Better Marketing Results with Integrated Multimedia Direct Mail

by Patrick Zuluaga, PMZ Marketing [Download Article]

Direct response marketing campaigns using targeted postal mail campaigns are well understood and have been successfully utilised by many companies across various industries for decades now.  Why, because it works and it will continue to work within a well structured formula for success.  What is not so well known and understood is that direct mail using integrated multimedia technology will significantly increase your response rates!

Let us review what makes direct mail campaigns successful:

  • Addresses a specific group of people or targeted audience
  • Uses creative to cut-thru the clatter of the mail box
  • Offers a personalised message that communicates a compelling benefit
  • Creates a sense of urgency and excitement with the mail piece
  • Provides a your clear and visible ‘call to action’

The above points have been demonstrated over the years to achieve superior response rates from direct mail campaigns.

Now let us look at how the use of integrated multimedia dramatically improves results from direct mail campaigns.  Integrated multi-media campaigns significantly power-up direct mail when the following factors are included in the campaign:

  • Personalise all communications with the recipient across the different media
  • Using several multimedia channels in the promotional campaign
    • Letter, postcard or mailing piece
    • Mobile phones and other smart mobile devices
    • Web landing pages with personalised URL (PURL – define)
    • Email marketing and auto-responders
  • Using a QR image (QR Code define) image to support the ‘call to action’

Essentially, an integrated multimedia direct mail campaign allows a one to one personalised engagement with the recipient.  It has the ability for the recipient to immediately accept the offer or secure additional information with readily available technology such as their mobile phone or access to the Internet.

What is a QR code?  It looks like the image on the right.  A QR code printed on the direct mail piece becomes interactive when it is scanned by a mobile phone* to connect to a web landing page, a video, addition information or delivery of a discount coupon or voucher to the mobile phone for redemption at a retail location. This coverts the direct mail piece into an integrated campaign. The QR code is the integration that brings print, mobile and web landing pages together to contribute to increasing the response rates of the direct mail piece.

It is highly recommended to utilise unique QR codes so that each recipient will be directed to their own personalise web landing page. At the recipient’s landing page additional information and messages for the individual will encourage the desired conversion.  The main purpose of the direct marketing piece is to encourage the recipient to take the ‘call to action’ and the objective of the personalised web landing page is to engage with a one-on-one dialogue to secure the conversion.

Lastly, the use of a personalised web landing page will allow the campaign to be tracked and measured for results!  The unique nature of the QR Code and personalised web page provides the capability to track recipient’s responses to the direct mail piece. This valuable marketing intelligence information can be used for targeted follow-up action or to refine and adjust future marketing campaigns.

Another marketing benefit is that the recipient can be encouraged to keep and use the mail piece a number of times. The web landing page can be updated and modified as often as desired. The update can include offers for gift vouchers, coupons, discounts or specials that may be relevant to the recipient. The direct mail piece becomes a useful long-term item as compared to a one-off point of contact.

Any business of whatever size can initiate an integrated multi-media direct mail campaign by following the suggestions and recommendations in this article.


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